Things I ve Learned from Women Who ve Dumped Me

Okay, I’ll admit, I’ve been dumped. More than once. More than I’d like to admit, actually. And, while it hurt quite a bit each time, I have to say that I have grown from the experiences. So, here are some things I’ve learned from women who ve dumped me.

Things I’ve Learned from Women Who ve Dumped Me
#1: It takes two.

Often with the pain and heartbreak of a break up, it is easy to blame the other person for your misery. But the truth is that if the relationship was no longer working, you were part of the problem. Evaluate what went on so that you can apply the lessons to your next relationship.

Things I’ve Learned from Women Who ve Dumped Me
#2: Give women their personal space.

Women like to cuddle and snuggle. They may seem to always be around. But they need their personal space too. Men have a tendency to be possessive. We want to keep tabs on where they’re going and what they’re doing there. If any woman has ever cheated on you, this instinct becomes stronger. But, trust is a key component in a relationship. When you invade her personal space, you send the message that you don’t trust your girlfriend. This can easily lead to the end of the relationship.

Things I’ve Learned from Women Who ve Dumped Me
#3: You get stronger over time.

When you wake up in the morning and the hurt’s so real, you may believe that you will never get over the break up. But the truth is that not only does time heal all pain, but you will emerge from the break up a stronger person. As philosopher Frederick Nietzsche said, “that which doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger.”

Things I’ve Learned from Women Who ve Dumped Me
#4: It’s okay if it wasn’t meant to be.

Coming to accept that a relationship wasn’t meant to be is a key factor in healing. If you had started projecting your relationship into the future – considering marriage, thinking about children – and then the woman you were with broke everything off, consider it a blessing. It is better to end a relationship that wasn’t meant to be earlier rather than later.

Things I’ve Learned from Women Who ve Dumped Me
#5: Good things don’t happen unless you make them happen.

Finally, the last lesson I want to share with you is that you can’t control what happened, but you can control to how you react to what happened. If you want good things to happen in the future, you have to make them happen.
That means getting back on the horse. Go out, meet new women. Have some fun. Eventually, you will find another relationship. And, if you have followed the advice in this article about things I’ve learned from women who ve dumped me, the relationship will be even better and stronger than the last one.

See How this Guy helps many to restore joy to their relationships.


Secret To Make Your Ex Return Your Call

Are there 'magic' words you can use
to get your ex to return your phone calls?

Sounds hard to believe but there ARE words
that will nearly cast a spell and make your ex
feel almost compelled to return your call.

Cool huh?...

I am going to share this with you because this is one of the biggest questions I get
from the over 35,000 subscribers just like you that are trying to put their relationship back together.

So I am going to answer..."How do I get my ex to return my phone call, text or IM?"



In the Magic Of Making Up, there lay a complete strategy.

Click Here To See For Yourself!

If you use this technique alone, without an 'overall' plan or may
damage your relationship more than if they never returned your call.

What NOT to Say!

Before we get into the actual words, let's go over what message almost NEVER

and worse...

Puts you in an AWFUL 'psychological' position. These usually fall into 2 categories.

The PLEAD- Where the message sounds like "John, please, please call me. This is the
3rd time I have called. I HAVE to talk to you."


"Cindy, this is an emergency. Please call me as soon as you get this."

Now, I think you can see what is wrong with both of those approaches?

So, I won't go on and on...

How To Use Curiosity & Self Interest
To Your Advantage

Two of the most powerful forces in the human mind are

*Curiosity &
*Self Interest

And here's the BIG SECRET!

When you combine the two, you have a recipe that WILL work 'magic'


Let's look at what you can say that works nearly EVERY TIME.

In a friendly tone:

"Hi John. It's Cindy. I wanted to let you know I appreciate what you did for me. Call me because I want to thank you in person."

Do you see how that uses BOTH curiosity and self interest?

John will NOT be able to resist! "What did I do?" "What does she appreciate?" he will be thinking. And he feels good because it is a positive message.


Before you call you need to do the "Set Up"...which is figuring out what he/she did that you appreciate. It can be any small thing...but needs to be plausible.

But more importantly...


Please have an underlying strategy like I lay out in the Magic Of Making Up System BEFORE you call.

Click Here To See For Yourself!

If you apply this technique with no underlying strategy and they call you back you can do more DAMAGE than good if you do not handle it correctly.


What I am saying is... What you do before, during and after you get them to return your call is MORE important than getting them to return your call.

Make sense?

Have a PLAN!
Why Not See For Yourself!

Rooting For You,